take me into your loving arms

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Kara, Iris and Joe walked throughout the walls of Central City General, looking for Mr. Kim. Iris fashioned her purple jacket while Kara was in a cute little blouse and skirt outfit, the two of them obviously not belonging in the hospital, or with CCPD. "So, Iris," Kara started, her wonder getting to her, "When you mentioned spending more time together, I was thinking, you know, family barbecues, not questioning people of interest."

"I know, I just want people to know that I'm not afraid to go out in the field every once in a while," Iris said.

"Not afraid? As far as I'm know, you attempt to go out in the field all the freaking time," Kara said.

"Who says you're afraid?" Joe asked and Iris sighed before looking at him.

"Ralph," she reluctantly answered.

"Ralph?" Kara questioned, "Why are you listening to Ralph?"

"Yeah, he's one to talk. He won't even leave the building," Joe said.

"I know, but it made me wonder, you know? What kind of member of this team constantly puts everyone else's life on the line except their own?" Iris said.

"Iris," Kara sternly said, all the them stopping in the middle of the hallway, "You are not putting their lives on the line. That's my call, and besides, if Ralph actually said those things to you, you should remind him of all the times you've put yourself at risk at the DEO, I mean come on — you jumped out of a freaking window, knowing I would catch you to escape the Daxamites—" But then the blonde caught Joe's conflicted look, "I mean...all the times she's stayed safe and sound at the DEO...because it's not dangerous, whatsoever..." she then looked back at Iris, "Point is, whenever we needed you, you were there."

"So don't let Ralph get in your head," Joe added before they approached a nurse, "Excuse me. CCPD. We're looking for an EMT named Matthew Kim."

"Yes, he's right through there," she directed, into a room right next to them.

"There? Thank you," Joe said before the nurse walked past them.

The three then walked into the room, and Joe knocked on the door to grab Mr. Kim's attention, "Matthew Kim?" Joe asked, the three of them finding the Asian man from the footage, him re-stocking his supply bag, "Detective Joe West, CCPD. Kara Danvers-Allen, CatCo WorldWide. We'd like to ask you some questions about the attack at Central City Bank this morning."

But Kim nervously kept his back to the trio, "I wouldn't know anything about that," he said.

"Really? Cause I have a dozen witnesses that saw you stand up to the man that melted the vault," Joe said.

"He was going to hurt people. It was my duty to help them," he said.

"Any reason you left without making a statement?" Joe asked.

"I need to finish restocking my inventory before another call comes in," Kim said before he walked over towards a shelf of supplies for his bag, "I can't help you."

"Look, Matthew," Iris started, stepping towards him, "We know you had something to do with that guy at the bank loosing his powers. We need to know. What did you do to him?"

"Why?" Kim faced her, "So you can steal mine?" He then grabbed her, pulling her around to face Kara and Joe, a small blade to her throat.

Joe pulled a gun on him while Kara stared at them sternly, unsure how to help without exposing herself to him. "No, no!" Joe snapped, "Let her go."

"Put the gun down," Kim said but Joe was hesitant, "I said put it down."

Kara looked back at him, nodding, which he nodded back. He put the gun back in his holster and Kara looked back at the man. "Let her go, please," she pleaded as Iris breathed nervously, "We just wanted to ask some questions. We aren't here to take anything from you," and Kim stared at her nervously, "You know who I am right? You've heard of me, Kara Danvers-Allen," and he nodded hesitantly, "Then you know I'm friends with Supergirl, and I swear on her, we aren't trying to take your powers."

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