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The next couple days were the same as before. I would be mostly locked in my room since the guys were on different jobs.

The difference was now Colby would visit me from time to time.

We haven't shared any more heated kisses and have barely even touched each other so there was some sexual tension whenever we would hang out.

It was better this way.

Right now I was in the kitchen, making myself a snack since Jake was here.

"What are you making?" Jake asked as I spread some peanut butter on a piece of toast.

"A toasted pb&j." I said as he pursed his lips. "Can I have one?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, have this one." I said and slid him my plate. "Really?" He asked and took it. "Yeah, I'll just make another one." I said and grabbed two more pieces of bread.

"Thanks, Jules. You're really cool." He said then left the room. I sighed then started making another sandwich for myself.

I was almost done with it when Colby came into the room.

"You're back early." I said and focused on the bread so I would burn it.

"Yeah. You almost done? We're going somewhere." Colby said as I scrunched my brow.

"Where would that be?" I asked and put my sandwich on a plate. "Someone told me you wanted to go on a weekend trip." He said as I raised my brows.

"Oh? I thought it was Katrina that wanted to go." I said as he chuckled. "Probably. We're going somewhere though. I packed you a bag so just bring the sandwich." He said and nudged his head towards the front door.

"How do you know what I would want you to pack? Ever heard of privacy?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"God damnit Julia, you are so fucking annoying." He said as I nodded. "I take after my master." I said then grabbed some paper towels so I could my sandwich on it.

"Didn't know you were so kinky, Jules." He said and started walking towards the front door.

"You're the one with the power trip. I'm just being obedient." I said with a shrug.

"Where are the others?" I asked when we got outside. "We're all driving separately and at different times. It looks less suspicious." He explained.

"Makes sense." I said then got in the car. "Want some?" I asked and offered him half of my sandwich. "Thanks." He said and took it.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked as he nodded. "We wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't." He said started driving.

We drove for a while in silence, the tension being amplified from us being in such a confined place.

"Are you uh..are you excited?" Colby asked after a while.

"I'd be excited to even get to go on a walk. Let alone on a vacation with other people." I said and looked out the window.

"You've been pretty lonely." He said as I nodded. "Super lonely." I said with a sigh. "It's to keep you from getting stabbed again." He said and kept his eyes on the road.

"I wouldn't say it was a stab. More of a slice." I said and looked at my arm.

"I was giving you a little more bragging rights but if you wanna go with slice, that's fine." He said with a grin and looked over at me.

"No. I was stabbed." I said and smiled at him. I watched his own smile falter for a second before he turned and looked at the road again.

"Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked as he shook his head. "No." Was all he said before he turned the radio up.

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