Ch 583: Round One

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The bright flash of light was like the sun suddenly appearing in the room, blinding the prince. The sound of the bang coming from the grenade deafened the prince and even made him almost lose his balance. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden light, Ying Jie felt something ramming into his body.

Lin Ye slammed his body when he saw how Ying Jie was stunned by the flash grenade that he used. From what he gathered from past experiences, most of the race in Terra had better hearing and eyesight compared to a normal human like him.

Although this was usually something good to have, Lin Ye could use this fact as something against Ying Jie. With enhanced hearing and sight, the effect that came from a flash grenade should also be enhanced too. And from the looks of it, it did what he thought it would.

Lin Ye pushed the prince into the wall, slamming him hard on it. Without missing a beat, he pulled out Vector and pulled the trigger. He let the whole magazine of bullets into the prince's body. The sound of bullets firing and the sight of blood spraying from the body was something that Lin Ye would remember for a long time.

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! Click! Click!

When he heard the sound of the bullets was no more, he grabbed Ying Jie's body and tossed it into the middle of the room. Like a ragdoll, the prince's body flopped onto the floor.

Now Lin Ye could see what he had done to the prince. Bullet holes littered his abdomen. He took the sight. Lin Ye just killed a person in cold blood.

The worst part was that it did not affect him seeing a dead body in front of him. A dead body that he made.

He sighed and turned his back away from the body. Just as Lin Ye was about to leave the room, he heard something crackling behind him.

Lin Ye pushed his body to the side and saw a bolt of red lightning striking where he just stood. Looking at where the lightning came from, he saw Ying Jie standing with a golden sword in his hand pointing at him. He noticed that his wounds were now gone.

He had self-healing then. That would be an annoying thing to work around. Lin Ye looked at Vector in his hand and debated on if he should reload the gun or not. Finally, he stored the gun away and faced the prince.

"... A surprise attack?" Ying Jie stood up back to his feet as he asked Lin Ye, "You are the same as always. No pride in a single bone of yours."

Lin Ye shrugged, mocking him.

"What good is pride now?" He hummed, "I am going to kill a bastard. Giving him a prideful fight would be the last thing I want to do,"

The prince's eyes narrowed at this.

"... I never considered you to be one of my enemies," Ying Jie mocked back, "You were too weak for me to care about."

"Yeah... I would have believed you if not for the fact you went out of your way to kill me in Ursus," Lin Ye sighed at his clear lies, "Is everyone in this world your enemy or what? If so, you have quite a terrible life. Here. Let me help you end it."

The smirk that the prince had faded away.

"Do not be so sure of yourself," He growled at Lin Ye, "I was just moving an obstacle away from my fated path."

Lin Ye smirked hearing this. He then pulled out his phone and showed it to him.

"And cut," He pressed the red button on the screen, "Thanks for that. What do you think I will do with your confession? The internet is an amazing place."

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