Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making

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Hi Readers: What do you guys think Jay means when he says that him putting butter on the croissants was one of the worst mistakes that he ever made? Well, if you want to know the answer to that question, then you're in the right place to find that answer. All will be revealed as you read along with my first Halstead-Only chapter. By the way, what did you guys think of the transition that I made between the Caseys and the Halsteads? Did it work for you guys, let me know. Thanks.

To say that Jay felt horrible as he walked around his and Alex's home this morning was a huge understatement, especially after how he made Alex feel at the beach; how he made her run away from him, and just rush away back to the condo. If there wasn't such a bad reason for why she ran away, then he would be really turned on; but that was not the case, as there was a bad reason why Alex ran away from him. And that would be all his fault. He thought that him doing this for Alex would be romantic, a great surprise, and just an all around great idea. But that was not what it was. Rather, it was a horrible idea. The reason? Alex ended up throwing up all over his shirt while they were walking down the beach, and he can credit it to the butter having gone bad while it was sitting out there this morning; he just knows that's the case. And that's why he was now here, hoping to join his wife in the shower so that he can make her feel better ahead oof them just taking it easy.

Because that's what they're going to be doing today, they're going to be taking it easy; he's going to hold her in bed, and they're going to breathe. That's what they need to do, and it's what they're going to do today; and if Alex doesn't want to do it, then he's going to try his best to persuade her to do it...just like he's going to try and persuade her to let him join her in the shower. But unfortunately, that was going to be harder than he first expected as Alex locked him out; she locked the door to their primary suite bathroom, where she was currently crying. He could hear the tears, and it just broke the husband's heart. How his wife's heart was currently breaking over what she did. He just wants to hold her so bad, and he wants to tell her that everything is okay; because everything is okay, and everything will always be okay. He just needs to tell Alex that, as he holds her in his arms right now. But first, he has to get into the washroom with her; then he can hold her.

Knocking on the door to their washroom this morning, Jay took a breath. "Alex, open the door for me babe. Open up Alex, and let me in so that I can take care of you." Alex then went to yell back. "Why? So that I can do it again! So that I can throw up all over you again? No thanks!" Jay sighed as he heard Alex say that, clearly able to hear the pain that she has in her voice right now. "Alex, I forgive you; you already know that, I'll always forgive you baby. You're my world, and I love you more than anything Alex. So please Alex, you need to open the door so that I can hold you in my arms. Then, I can make you feel better; just like I want to do. Alex, I'll take the risk; let me take the risk, as it's mine to take." Alex took a breath when she heard Jay say that, not happy about this; but she does know that it's his risk to take. Just walking up to the door, Alex then went to open it for Jay; which is exactly what her husband wants her to do, he wants her to open the door to her.

Smiling at his beautiful wife, Jay could just see how she feels really bad right now. She feels horrible over the fact that she threw up all over him, and that was not a pretty sight. But when he said that he didn't care, he meant it. Getting close to his wife this morning, Jay smiled as he wrapped his arms around her to hold her tight. At the same time, Alex wrapped her arms around Jay; dropping her towel in the process, Alex could just feel Jay smirk. "Seriously, are you smirking at this? I'm a mess." Leaning back, Jay looked back at the woman he loves. "Hey, that's not true. You're not a mess baby, you're beautiful; and I'm so glad that you're my wife. That's the truth, and you have to know that." Alex took a breath as she heard Jay say that, well aware of the fact that he's always going to tell her the truth about how he feels. "Alex, this isn't your fault." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, before walking over to the shower so that she can start it. "Yeah, because I didn't do it."

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now