The Conversations Continue

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Hi Readers: I want to first advise you that I have revised the previous chapter, and there have been parts that I have actually not included in that chapter; rather, I decided to put them in this chapter. And that's why I want to tell you that this is a direct continuation of the previous chapter, and I hope that you guys like it; let me know that you guys think. Thanks for reading.

"So, we changed her name again." That was the way that Matt decided to transition; transition to the new conversation that he wanted to have with Gabby, about the name of their baby girl (and how they changed it again). And maybe even, about the name that he wants to use for their (future, hypothetical) second daughter. After all, why not just talk about one name; when you have a bunch of time to kill, and time to talk about two names that you want to use for your kids. So, that's exactly what Matt plans on bringing up; but only after they talk about how they changed Grace's name to Bella. Then again, they both felt like there was a reason why they changed her name again; because it was something that they wanted for themselves, as they are going to be saying the name a lot when they have her. So, they have to (obviously) like the name that they're going to be saying all the name. And boy did Matt like the name that they've (ultimately) chosen to name their daughter, as he loves the meaning behind the name 'Bella'; as it's Italian.

Yes, the couple are going to use a name with Italian origins; when their daughter's mother has Spanish (Hispanic) heritage, rather than using a name from her heritage. Then again, does it really matter why they decide to use a different name, even if it isn't from her own heritage? Because last time they checked, they had every right to name their children whatever they wanted to name them. But now, that was not what they needed to concentrate on; rather, they need to concentrate on the conversation at hand. And that was that they changed their daughter's name again, which (as Matt just said); it's their choice at the end of the day, which is something that they're going to talk about right now. "Yeah, I know what you mean." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, once again running his hand up and down her back; at the same time, he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "I think there was a reason why we changed it though." Matt was a bit confused as he heard Gabby say that, before looking down at the woman he loves.

"What are you talking about?" Gabby took a breath as Matt asked her what she meant, before looking up at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "I think we did it, because it was something that we had to do for the sake of our daughter; and for ourselves if we're being completely honest." Matt was confused as he heard Gabby say that they had to do it for themselves, as that most definitely wasn't something that he completely understood. "Okay, you're going to have to really explain that one to me." Gabby sighed as she sat up and looked at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "At the end of the day, we're going to be the ones who say her name each and every day; and we need to make sure that we like the name that we have to say on a daily basis, so that's what I'm talking about." Looking up at the woman he loves, Matt smiled as he ran his hand up and down her arm; aft the same time, Gabby looked down at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Well, I think that I can agree with that."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling due to the fact that this is some of the only decisions that they can really make yet; other than the clothes that they need to start buying for their daughter, especially since she's now in her second trimester. And that's where Gabby decided to turn the conversation towards, them talking about the fact that she's now in her second trimester. "I still can't believe that I'm already in my second trimester." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before running his hand up and down her arm. "Me too, but I'm happy about it; as that means that we're one step closer to meeting Bella." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, as him saying that name was definitely something that sounded extremely natural. "Didn't that sound so natural?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling at the woman he loves. "Oh, I definitely agree with you now that you mention it; as it did sound natural, which means that it's the perfect name for our daughter." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that.

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