BLOOD BANK - K. HR x Reader

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Everyone knows the taste of blood.

Since childhood, humans become familiar with the taste of blood. That irony, metallic, bitter taste.

Most people taste their first drop of blood as young children. They accidentally cut themselves and out of instinct suck on the wound... or... they fall for the first time and get curious on what that red substance is coming out of them...

For most people, it's a learning experience based on their own blood...

But not for Haerin.

- Y/N POV -

"Ughh, are we done yet?" Getting my blood drawn was starting to hurt.

"Stop whining. It's for a good cause," My best friend, Haerin, was annoyed by my complaining.

Haerin hated it when I complained while donating blood. She saw it as dishonest of me to be donating blood for people who need it and someone still be complaining.

"Donating blood isn't noble when you complain," Haerin always said.

"Okay!" I sighed, a bit annoyed myself.

Soon enough, the necessary blood was drawn out of me and I was given my little snacks to regain my strength.

"You're a child," Haerin scoffed as she pretended to read a magazine in the waiting room.

"Psstt," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, Y/n. We'll see you next time. Just remember to drink water and eat a big meal. Your hemoglobin levels were too low. You were barely able to donate today," The lab tech suddenly walked up to place my donation sticker on my shirt.

Haerin snarked something under her breath for a second and then abruptly got up to exit the clinic.

I thanked the clinic staff one last time and quickly ran after Haerin.... only that the clinic staff was right...

I became really lightheaded from suddenly getting up and my vision started to go black.

- Haerin POV -

Having to carry Y/n home was as taxing as ever. It wasn't so much about the carrying, I was strong enough for that, it was about the fact that it would take Y/n longer to replenish their blood.

"Oh, Y/n donated blood again!" Y/n's landlord caught me, yet again, bringing an unconscious Y/n home.

"Yes, got up a little too fast this time!" I answered.

"This kid. Y/n's gonna die by the time they're done with all those blood donations!" The landlord lady clicked her tongue a bit disappointed.

It was well known that Y/n donated blood often. Y/n started doing it to get some perks and feel good about themselves as a kid, but it became a habit as they grew up.

Y/n saw donating blood as a gift of life.

A second chance.

A small gesture to keep someone alive.

"Ugrrrhh!" Y/n groaned as I placed them on their bed.

"Water?" I asked.

"It'll taste nasty," Y/n turned on their side.

"It's good for you. You need to get those blood cells back," I exhaled.

"I'll order some meat and rice later. Just lock the door on your way out," Y/n was as grumpy as always.

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