a month.

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I hear noises but they seem so far away. What is going on? I try to open my eyes but they wont open. This is so weird. I hear crying. Who is crying? Why are they crying? “Baby, please. Wake up. Aubrey is in a coma and I need you…I need you Austin. I…” What? Aubrey is in a coma? Oh, right the doctor told me that. I need to wake up for Ally. She needs me. I try to open my eyes again but they are fighting me.  “Austin, Please.” Baby I am trying. What happened to me?  Finally I can feel my eyes opening. I see light coming through and it burns. I shut my eyes quickly and groan.

“Austin?” I move my head a little and open my eyes again to see Ally wearing tears that are running down her face. I smile a little, “Hey baby.” It came out groggy. I see a smile cross her face and she jumps up and I feel her arms go around me. I laugh a little, “Baby, calm down.” She pulls back and looks at me, “Austin you fainted. “ I look down and see that I see have my cast but I can now feel my head and how bad it hurts. “Yeah, I can feel it.” She laughs a little. “How’s Aubrey?” All happiness fades away and she looks down. “Well they found out what is wrong with her.” I sit up the best I can, “What’s wrong?”

“Well, they found out she was having a breath-holding spell.” I go to respond but she puts her hand up, “ It happens without her holding her breath. When children are upset or hurt they have an exaggerated reflex and they stop taking in a breath. This caused the seizures.” I look at her and try to take it all in, “Will it go away or will she need medicine or what?” She smiles a little, “She will be fine. The doctor said that they stop on their own and usually no harm is done to the children.” I take in a sigh of relief. My baby is gonna be okay.

"Wait, Is she awake?” she shakes her head. They just figured it all out about an hour ago. They want to bring her out of the coma. I told them to make sure she is gonna be okay before they do that. I have them double checking that is what she has and won’t have another seizure first.” I nod and pull her to me. “You’re a good mom.”

The nurse came in while me and Ally were watching cartoons. “Your awake?” I smile and nod. “Great, let me check around and then I will let the doctor know. You gave him a scare.” I laugh a little while she checks my machines.  “You are good to go.” I nod and watch the nurse leave. Ally and I keep watching the show.

“Hello, Austin.” I look over and see the doctor. “Hey.” He laughs and comes over and checks my eye sight and everything. “You are good to go. Just sign here.” I sign the papers and am handed my crutches. “You scared me. I had your daughter in one room and then you are already hurt and just fell.” I laugh a little, “Sorry, I guess I freaked out.” He nods and goes to head to the door. Then he turns and comes back, “Ally, I forgot to tell you. You were right. We double checked and we found that Aubrey also has some brain trauma. We want to keep her under to make sure the bleeding that she had is done.” I nod and look at Ally who nods. The doctor comes closer, “ Austin, Ally. I promise your daughter is in good care. I have kids too. I am treating Aubrey like I would my own. She is going to be just fine. I promise.”

After the doctor left I turn to Ally and smile a little. “hey, he is right. Aubrey is gonna be just fine.” She looks up, “Yeah but what if the bleeding starts up again?” I grab her hand, “Ally, don’t think like that.” She looks up, “Yeah, your right. I need to think positive.” We grab our stuff and head to Aubrey’s room.

Aubrey looks peaceful. I wish we could take her home. Ally seems more calm then she did last time but I know its for my sake. I know she is freaking out inside. I grab her hand and sit down while she strokes Aubrey’s face and sings to her. I sit and listen as she sings and get lost in it. I swear who knew I could fall even more in love with this girl.

Ally’s POV…

I look behind me and see Austin staring at me with that love struck smile. I smile at him and lean down and capture his lips in a sweet passionate kiss. I pull away and he stares behind me, “Ally, you really are a good mom. This is no ones fault. This is something that just happened.” He looks up at me and I smile, “Austin I know. I just wish everything didn’t happen. I don’t want to see her like this. I don’t want her to be hurt or in pain. She is my baby and I love her.” I look at her and sigh.

I feel someone grab me and I am set on Austin’s good leg, “Baby, I don’t want to see her like this either. But like I needed you when I fainted, she needs us. She needs us here for her and for us to be strong. She is gonna be scared when she comes to.” I nod and look behind me and kiss him, “You are a great dad.” I hear him laugh, “I am getting there.” I laugh a little too.

We watch Aubrey for awhile and sing to her. The doctor comes in to check her but just smiles at us and leaves. I want my baby to wake up soon. I need my baby to be home and be okay.

After a little bit I start to get tired but I don’t want to leave her. The doctor comes back in and smiles at me, “You can go home if you want.” I shake my head but Austin sighs, “You are tired. We should go get some food and rest. “I shake my head again. The doctor looks at us, “doctor, Is there a chance she is gonna wake up soon?” he looks at her and shakes his head, “We want to get her under.” I nod and look at Austin, “fine we can go home but I swear we are coming back tomorrow.” He nods, “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

We are about to leave but I stop and turn to the doctor, “How long will you keep her under?” He looks at his papers and at her, “I would like to keep her under for at least a week… at the most a month.”

I hope you liked it. I love the reviews and the votes. They mean so much to me. Thank you for the support.
Sorry this is late. It is crazy getting ready for school.
Please review.

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