Therapist- part 1

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Austin has set up an appointment with a therapist and we are going to meet with her today. I walk out of the closet holding my skirt. “Austin?” He leans his head out of his closet, “Yeah?” I look down, “I need help.” He laughs and comes over helping me getting it on.

He spins me around and smiles, “You look great.” I smile and kiss him before walking into the closet to slip my sandals on that match my long black skirt that is pulled up over my tank top. I walk out and hear feet running and brace myself for the little arms that about to rush me and hug my legs.

I smile as I feel the little arms wrap around my legs. I lean down the best I can and kiss her forehead. “Hey sweetie. I have missed you so much.” She laughs and hugs me, “I went for ice cream.” I laugh and nod, “Yeah but you were gone for so long and your grandparents keep taking you back.” She laughs and leans in kissing me then she kisses my belly. Austin walks out and Aubrey turns and runs up and he squats and picks her up as she makes contact with him. He spins her around, “Princess, I thought you went for ice cream.” She smiles, “I did.” He acts shocked, “You didn’t bring me any?” She shakes her head and laughs, “Nope.”

I smile as he puts her down, “Princess where is your grandparents?” She points to the stairs and I walk down them then Austin with Aubrey holding on to him.  I turn and see my dad, “Daddy?” he smiles and hugs me, “What are you doing here?” He laughs, “Mimi and Mike had to do something so I said I would watch her for you guys to go to your appointment.” I nod and kiss his cheek, “Thank you daddy.” He nods and reaches for Aubrey, “Oh my, you are getting so big.” She laughs as he lifts her and they walk to her toys.

I walk over and kiss her head and grab my phone off the table as I walk towards the door.  Austin does the same and he grabs my hand as we walk to the car. He opens the door and helps me in and then walks to his side and gets in starting the car and driving to the therapist’s office.

We park and get out. I look over at him and he must have known I was scared because he squeezes my hand and kisses my head. We walk in and sign in.

We sit in the waiting room for a second and then a door opens and this nice looking women stands there, “Austin, Ally, so great to meet you guys. My kids love you.” We smile and she leads us into her office. “Thanks for seeing us Dr. Blake.” She smiles, “Oh please call me Jennifer.”

She closes the door and smiles before standing in front of a comfy looking leather chair. She smiles and points towards the couch, “Please have a seat.” I sit and grab the pillow next to me placing it on my lap.  She looks between us and smiles, “Okay, so where should we start?”

I look at Austin and he looks at me then we look at her and I shake my head, “I don’t know. We are having problems with staying together. We know we love each other and are meant to be but one of us always screws up or something.”  She writes something down then nods and places the pad to the side. “Okay, I see you are pregnant Ally.” I smile and nod, “Yes, five months.” She nods and smiles, “Okay, is this your guys first?” I shake my head and Austin smiles, “We have a one and a half year old named Aubrey.”  She writes something and then looks at us.

“I would like to start with who as you put it screwed up first?” We look at each other and really think for a second.  Austin shrugs, “I guess I did.” I look at him and he shrugs. Jennifer nods, “Why do you think that?”  “Ally came over and kissed me and I let her run out. I ran after her and we made up and then I ignored her and hurt her. I went to the beach and I saw someone rub lotion on Ally and I freaked completely out. I called her so many names and left her crying her eyes out.” I look over to him and see his eyes teary. I grab his hand and he rubs it. “Okay, Austin, why do you think you acted like that?” He looks at me and shrugs, “I don’t know. I ignored her at first because I was scared I would lose my best friend and song writer. I was afraid our awesome relationship would change for the worst.” I grab his hand and smile, “Austin I was scared too but I wanted to talk about it with you.”

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now