Cedric x reader ~ bullied

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Requested by: _xaniekx_!

I hope you enjoy!


You slowly walked through the corridors. Your books were clenched against your chest and you looked around cautiously. You sighed and walked through the crowd of students. Trying to avoid what you knew was coming to you. You felt in the inner pocket of your robe and grabbed your wand.

You swallowed as you saw formilliar faces in green robes walked around the corner at the other end of the corridors. You straightened your back and held your books tightly as you tried to avoid eye contact.

'Look who it is.' Draco smirked and you passed the group of Slytherins. You ignored them and tried to get to your class.

Draco grabbed the hood of your robes and you froze to the spot. You turned around and looked at them.

'Where are you going, Y/L?' He smirked. 'In a hurry?'

'Kind off...' You spoke softly.

'What? I'm sorry I couldn't understand you.'

Draco's goons laughed.

'I said, kind off. I have to attend a lesson so I'd appreciate it if you would leave me alone.'

Draco looked at you and laughed.

'Finally learned how to talk?' Pansy asked while stepping forwards.

In matter of fact, All his friends stepped forwards. Goyle tried to grab the books from your hand. While you were stopping him, Gregory grabbed your wand.

'Give it back!' You hissed as you tried to grab your wand.

Goyle grabbed your books.

'Potions and care for magical creatures?' He asked.

'You follow potions?' Draco asked. 'I always thought Hufflepuffs tried useless subjects.' He sneered.

You pulled the hood from his hand and tried to grab your wand and books. Goyle threw your books into the corridor and Gregory started throwing your wand to him.

'Stop it!' You hissed.

This happened almost every day. The funny thing was that You were older.. You were so done with it. They once threw you in the lake, they burned your notes. You decided to grab your books first. You grabbed them from the ground and held them in one hand as you got up.

Your wand was now in Draco's hand. You hurried over to him and tried to grab it. He laughed. While tried to grab it you accidentally hit him in the face. You looked at it. His smile fading. He threw your wand to Pansy and pushed you back against the wall. Your books fell again and you tried to pull his hand away. Slowly you got problems with breathing.

'That was a mistake. What do you think gave you the right to hit me?!' He asked.

'T-the..same that gives... You the right... to suffocate me.'

In that moment Cedric walked around the corner with his books. The Hufflepuffs champion. On his way to Herbology. You never actually talked.. He did know you were bullied by Draco. He grabbed his wand.

'Why don't you go ahead and let her go?' Cedric spoke threatening.

'What are you interfering with Diggiry?' Draco asked.

'I'm not going to ask you again.' Cedric stated.

Draco saw Cedrics wand. He looked at you.

'You're lucky this time.' He hissed.

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