James x bullied!reader ~ why her

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Requested by: XxSunnytheStarxX



'Leave me alone.' You sighed while trying to walk past Lucius.

Lucius Malfoy and his Slytherin gang always picked on you. You were a hufflepuff and they decided that you were going to be their target from day one.

'Don't worry, We're just here to have a little fun.' Lucius smirked.

'I don't want to join in with your so called "fun". It's not fun for me.' You hissed.

You wanted to walk again but Lucius pushed you back. You managed to stay standing and not fall down which would have embarrassed you even more.

'Don't you want to hang out with cool people?' Lucius asked. 'Oh wait that's impossible for a hufflepuff loser like you.'

You sighed and didn't even respond. You didn't even know what to respond anymore. They kept throwing it all in your face anyways.

'She's got nothing to say.' Lucius said to his friends who just laughed.

'What I say doesn't matter because you'll keep insulting me anyways. I'm just waiting for you to be finished so I can continue with my life.'

'Don't you need to have friends and a life first to even be able to continue with your life?' Lucius asked.

You didn't respond and you kept looking at him with a firm look.

'Look at that. It's happening again.' Sirius said.

James looked at you. All His friends knew that he had a crush on you. He didn't dare to walk up to you and talk to you though.

'I don't get why they keep picking on her. Why her in particular?' James asked.

'For their fun.' Remus said. 'It's nothing more. They're bored so they just pick a target and stay with it. She must be going insane by now.'

Sirius wrapped an arm around James shoulder.
'How about we all go help her and make sure she becomes friends with us? That helps out your little crush situation too.'

'I don't think that's the best idea. They're Slytherins.' Peter said.

'So what? She needs Help, let's do it.' Sirius said.

He started walking and the rest shrugged and followed him. Lucius stopped talking when he saw the group. You turned around and saw the group of boys. Sirius pushed James forwards a little. He shot Sirius a look.

'Cut it out, Malfoy.' He hissed.

'Look at that. A group of pathetic gryffindors helping out a sad Hufflepuff.'

'What she do to deserve it? Did she swing at your ego because that's impossible to miss.' He hissed.

You had to hold back a chuckle. James saw it and smiled at you. You smiled back at him and walked over to him. You stood next to him before turning back to Lucius.

'I don't think you realise who you're talking to.' Lucius hissed.

'It's impossible to not know with that hair colour.' Sirius laughed.

'This is not the time to insult his hair, Sirius.' Remus sighed.

'What are you talking about it's the perfect time to insult his hair.' Sirius said.

'You can't just insult everyone's hair all the time.'

'Their hair just isn't as beautiful as mine so I basically can.'

'Guys!' James hissed.

'Alright sorry.' Remus sighed.

You chuckled and looked back at Lucius.

'You guys are crazy.' Lucius spoke in disgust.

'Well at least we've got real friends.' James shrugged.

'I've got real friends. Slytherins are superior and there for we're all friends.'

'What a lousy argument.' Remus sighed.

'So anyways.. she'll be leaving now. It was nice talking to you Malfoy. Always a pleasure.'

James grabbed your wrist and took you away. The rest followed you two.

'Thank you guys.. I really didn't want to stay there any longer..  You really helped me.'

'It was all his idea!' Sirius immediately yelled while pointing at James.

'Well I mean i-'

You interrupted him but hugging him. James was surprised but he slowly hugged you back. Sirius triednto hold back a squeal while looking at you two. Remus sighed when he saw it.

'I can't thank you enough. They've been bothering me for years.'

'N-No problem.' He smiled.

You let him go and he let you go.

'I'm Y/N by the way.. of course I know how all of you are.'

'Nice to meet you.' James smiled.

'Nice to meet you guys too. I do really have to go. I promised my friend I'd meet her in the library.. but I'll see you guys around!' You smiled.

You turned around and hurried off. You turned back one more time to wave at them. James watched you leave and smile.

'And you still keep denying that you have a crush on her.' Sirius laughed.

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