General Hux - Reply

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Questions from macaronitsunami:

For Hux:
Have you been beating anyone with your lightwhip lately?

General Hux: Well, if I was to answer that and then security happens to look over this, that wouldn't be too good then would it?

Question: Would you have really killed Summer with it? Even after all her massages?

General Hux: If that idiot Ren didn't show up, yes I was planning on it. Ridding her from the picture would have left me with only Kylo in my way to the throne, since Snoke is gone.

But I do miss those massages. *shifts uneasy in chair, showing back pain*

Question: Do you ever show mercy?

General Hux: Sure I have... *wanders in thought* Such as when I wanted to just use Starkiller's weapon on the Resistance Base but Snoke said to take out the entire   planetary system. Now who is merciless?

Although don't be thinking I'm weak or I'll send a Dreadnought to wherever you're from and help change your mind.


Great questions macaronitsunami! Better keep an eye on the skies for that Dreadnought....

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