Kylo - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions for Kylo: 

1: *I approached him, seeing him sitting down reading something. I smiled, ruffling his hair but fixed it back to its perfection* Good to see you again, Kylo. Don’t worry, I only mean to tease. How have you and your rumored gorgeous hair been? 

Kylo: *startled at being touched, quickly fixed his hair his own way* I've been alright, until you came in. Shouldn't you be off with Gingerbread?

2: Kylo, regarding your grandfathers ashes it’s best to keep them in a urn. I know Millicent has been getting into them, but... *I thought for a moment* Being a cat she’d just knock the urn over. 

Kylo: The ashes are safe and concealed. Also none of your concern. *furrows his brows* How did you know I had them to begin with?

3: I can sense your emotions Kylo, relax *I said to him with a smile, patting his shoulder gently* Yes, I do have feelings for your enemy but doesn’t mean I don’t worry. Summer will be fine, she’s strong, anyone can sense that. Have faith and hope in her.

Kylo:  It's not her I worry about, it's us trying to evacuate her safely without her getting harmed... *turns away so he could dry his eyes, clears throat* I think it's time you go back to your duties.

And try not to break anything with your lightsaber. Speaking of, you should teach me about them and how to use it properly, whenever you get the time?

Kylo:  *glares* I believe I can wield my lightsaber fairly well. If anything, I strike things with intentions to destroy, not accidental. Partly to relieve rage; the rest to annoy Hux.

And absolutely not. I have one apprentice and I'm not taking on any more. Especially since you're so close to that slimy sycophant Hux.


Maybe one day you can get on Kylo's good side lol MinxCoda!

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