Poe Dameron- Reply

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Question from MinxCoda:

This question is for Poe Dameron:

You’re the fastest pilot in the Resistance, I have yet to meet a fast pilot in the First Order. And I do look up to you, I think you’re a hero. Think you could teach me to fly? I would greatly appreciate it!

Poe Dameron: First off thank you for the compliment. I do like to think of myself as the best pilot on the Resistance and I am yet to find better. When and if we can establish a new base, I'll give you a few flying lessons. As long as you're not planning on being competition. *winks*

As for the First Order, their pilots are well trained but like I said, no one is like me. *smirks*


Great question MinxCoda! Looks like you're going to be flying an X-wing soon, maybe teach me how after? I'm dying to know lol

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