General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: *I eyed him up and down with a smirk* Why are you looking at me like I’m your next meal?

Hux: I haven't had lunch yet, but I also am tempted to have dessert first.

2: At least now Millie is clean and all fluffed up. *I giggled, looking at Millie as she looked like a cute fur ball*

Hux: You made her look so pretty and cute!

3: *I read the email, sighing heavily. I turned the datapad off as I rubbed my eyes gently* The stormtroopers are having trouble with their new training I’ve assigned.  Officers don’t think my new training is a good option for the troopers yet as I try to hold meetings no one ever wants to, but they all want to send me emails to pester me to change the training. *I took a big sip of my wine, walking pacing around the room* All I did was add more basics, environmental training, combat and weaponry training. They all need it to survive and it isn’t as if I just gave a list full!

Hux: I agree with the new techniques and I'll enforce them at my next speech. I'll make those who disagree obey or they will be...fired.

4: The Same for me, getting to hold each other after a long day at work. Relieving stress and venting about our day, then sleeping in each other’s arms.

Hux: *smiles* I can't believe we're so much alike. Where were you my whole life...


Great replies MinxCoda!

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