General Hux - Reply

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Replies from MinxCoda:

1: *I nodded, holding my hands in front of me with a smile* They aren’t allied with the resistance anymore. They were years ago, however the resistance were the cause of deaths to the planets most powerful leaders, whether it was accident or not, they have fuller allied with us. I know someone personally down there, once you meet her, she might be up to explain whatever you need or want to hear. *I turned away, kissing his cheek gently then walked away to schedule the meet up. Perfect timing as well, since everyone were coming back onto the bridge*

Hux: *was still uncertain of anyone coming down off the ship, had a full barrage of stormtroopers as a "greeting"*

2: Not very surprised, though if I tried to scare you that wouldn’t be nice. However....I’m not very scary since you’re much taller. *I laughed*

Hux: No, you aren't very scary at all. *pats your head*

3: Awwe, how sweet. Tell me your favorite traits then.

Hux: Um..for one how you always manage to calm me down when I'm most stressed or ready to fire someone.

4:  Of course, I think I’ll be able to handle him if he throws a tantrum. He can’t kill me like any other droids or officers.

Hux: *fire raging in his eyes with a hint of worry and fear behind them* He better not if he wants to live here.

5: Thank you my love. *I froze from the kiss on my neck, a light blush crept on my face. I sighed softly as I kept sorting papers* Hux, I told you my neck is sensitive.

Hux: *smirks* I know, love. Why else do you think I kissed it?

6: *I smiled, kissing his lips gently then his cheek. I sat back gently as he asked his question, I sighed deeply as I looked at him* Yes, but not like Ren or Summer. It’s there, I feel the pull to it. But.. *I pulled out the necklace I had that matched Hux’s, opening it then touching the crystal. It glowed, Hux’s to follow* I’ve trained myself to keep the balance perfectly to its barely noticeable. I don’t give in to the force for personal reasons, Ren hasn’t even noticed and I don’t want him to know unless we’re in a dire situation. I...I was afraid to tell you, I don’t know exactly how you’d feel about it.

Hux: I...don't know how to feel about it actually. I guess if you don't pursue up use the power I can overlook it. You can't do anything with it now, can you?

7: Understood. I already have a ship prepared and ready to go. I’ll have an officer tell Phasma she can meet them once they come aboard. Let me know when you’re ready to go.

Hux: I'm ready to leave now. *had stormtroopers follow for bodyguards*

8: I do, I think it’s beautiful. My name? Minx Coda? I’ve had people make fun of it multiple times.

Hux: I've heard of names far stranger than that. I like it.

9: You should learn, it’s romantic.

Hux: I'm really not a dancer nor do I want to get involved in that. I find it silly.


Just imagine Hux dancing? XD MinxCoda

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