Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

1: Yeah Yeah you can be sassy later. *I smiled, nodding as he enjoyed the cookies* Good, let me know if you ever want more.

Kylo: I'll take more. These are pretty good for whatever they're made out of.

2: *My eyes widened a bit as I felt myself being pulled back, by the gods why does Kylo get angry easily. I already was pressing the button to signal Hux, thankfully the button was quiet. I stared at the lightsaber pointed at my neck, I can say I was a bit afraid, but my eyes didn’t show fear as I looked at Kylo with calmness, I made sure my body language showed no fear, and how I talked was calm and gentle.* Kylo, my comment wasn’t meant to offend you. I wouldn’t want you to be in battle and someone were to notice you off balance and take advantage of that. I promise, it wasn’t meant to be criticism.

Kylo: *still seething but tossed you aside* I don't need someone of your stature to dictate anything to me. I don't care if you're with Hux, I outrank both of you. Now I suggest you leave before I change my mind-

Hux: *bursts into the room* GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER REN!

Kylo: *sat down on his throne, looking unphased by Hux's entry* Just take your girlfriend and get out of here. *munches on more cookies*

Hux: *rushes to your side, helping you up and out into the turbolift, waiting to speak until after the doors shut* My dear, I came as fast as I could. Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner, I was on the other end of the ship. *clearly frustrated and mad at himself*


Very lucky girl MinxCoda

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