Kylux - Reply

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Questions from nineonine

This is question for Kylo Ren :

First, I really want to be your daughter:(.

Kylo: My daughter? I haven't even thought that far ahead.

You have a perfect way to lead the First Order, so if you can lead your the First Order, you can also lead your own family. 

Kylo: Now a family? My life is going to be so...normal and boring in the future. So...soft and mushy. Bleh.

This are my questions for you :

1. What is your breakfast menu everyday?

Kylo: The stormtroopers get protein paste and water enriched with nutrients. Most of the time the officers get the same. But me, being the Supreme Leader now, I get whatever I want. It consists of a multitude of things: fruit, meats, eggs, dairy, bread. It's pretty much like a buffet.

2. How long do you know General Hux? You two are kinda like a siblings.✌

Kylo: Siblings? *laughs* We are nowhere near alike. And I'll say I've known Hux for...maybe six years now? Far too many whatever the answer is. I've lost track of time. Under ten, that I'm sure of.

3. What is your favourite clothes? 

Kylo: What I'm wearing. It's the only clothes I own. *gestures to his uniform*

This is question for General Hux : 

First, I really admire your voice and also (sorry) you are little bit annoying. You are annoying but I love you as a General. 

Hux: You adore my voice? Most make fun of it-

Annoying? Annoying?! You haven't even heard me at annoying yet!

So, here are my questions for you :

1. What is your relationship between you and Falynn?

Hux: *lightly blushes* I'd...rather not get into that.

2. What is your favourite place?

Hux: Aboard my star destroyer, the Finalizer.

3. You have a cool datapad, where did you get it? 

Hux: In my office on my desk.

And this is for both of them :

1. Do you have a funny moments together?

Hux: We play Dejarik together if you want to consider that "funny".

Kylo: Only if I beat you, Hux.

Hux: That is most certainly not funny, Ren.


Great questions nineonine! I know it took a while, sorry! But feel free to send in more whenever you wish!

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