General Hux - Reply

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Questions from Valen_2012:

Hi! This question is for Huxy (as always 😅):
Question 1: how you would call your admirers? For examplem: Hux-Lovers or something like that.

Hux: I never thought I had that large of a following but I probably wouldn't call them anything.

How about just a group of dedicated soldiers who can help me crush Ren beneath my shiny black boot?

Question 2: how much does the First Order spend fixing the consoles that Ren destroys?

Hux: *sighs, groans* More than the FirstOrder could probably ever make back...

Question 3: do you give Millicent's hair the same care as yours?

Hux: Oh no, Millie has her own special treatments for her fur. Besides I don't think she would want all the hair spray and styling gel I use...


Great questions Valen_2012! Anyone can feel free to send in more questions!

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