Captain Phasma - Reply

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Questions from Captain_AM-1185:

To Captain Phasma
I can't wait to get started. It's like a dream come true.

Phasma: I'll be looking forward to your arrival. I am in the midst of personally training another student but I will proudly take you on as well.


1) Approximately how tall are you?

Phasma: I'm taller than General Hux but shorter than Kylo Ren, if that is close enough for an answer.

2) Who is you like most out of all of the First Order?

Phasma: General Hux. Despite him also being the biggest ass I've ever met, our minds tend to be alike when it comes to war strategies.

3) What is your favorite color?

Phasma: Silver, thus why I wear chrome armor.

4) Would you, if ever, go back to your home planet, Parnassos?

Phasma: Never. There's nothing more for me there, especially since I had nuclear bombs wipe the planet out. If any people survived, it would be a miracle if the radiation hadn't yet killed them.

And how do you know where I've come from? The only person who knows is Hux, and I have not told anyone else this secret. *glares suspiciously through helmet as finger rests on trigger of her blaster*

Hope you are having a bearable day!
                                          From Captain_AM-1185

Phasma: For the most part, yes it's been rather tolerable.


Great questions Captain_AM-118!

A note to everyone, I'll be publishing a new chapter of Untamed Love tomorrow! Be ready! I'd post this as a message but Wattpad is having terrible glitches and I don't want to disturb anyone with my messages.

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