Kylo Ren - Reply

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Questions from Aph_Warsaw:

This time a question for the (not worthy of his title) *throws up* Supreme Leader Kylo Ren...

Kylo: *glares, ignites lightsaber* Oh do continue so I know what your last words are to write on your headstone...

1: What do you mostly do with

Kylo: *blushes from being caught off guard* Well, we train a lot...yeah a lot of with weapons...and the Force...definitely not like a sexual kind of interaction... *looks away embarrassed* strictly business related...yeah...

2: Do YoU LiKe SaNd??? (*Anakin voice* I don't Like Sand...)

Kylo: It's course, rough, irritating and it gets everywhere. Hux recently dumped a bucket on my Darth Vader helmet but I have no idea why...

3: What do you think of the new list that Hux Has called "Women who adore Hux" which I am a proud member are many other Readers.

Kylo: *grips lightsaber hilt tighter* SO IT'S YOU WHO MADE HUX AN EVEN BIGGER EGOTISTICAL FREAK!

4: What is your Secret to your hair? Asking for a friend.

Kylo: I only use L'Oreal because I'm worth it. *winks*

And Last But Not least...I HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU AND GRANDPA! *Decorates the Darth Vader mask in SAND and runs away*

Kylo: *screams and takes off after you with his weapon in hand* GET. BACK. HERE. NOW.

And since you love (bleh) Hux so much, I'll make sure to end BOTH of you at the same time!


Aph_Warsaw I hope you're a fast runner....

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