General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Another Question for Hux:

Hux, as much as you hate the planet Earth. Would you like to see some beautiful places on it with me? Though the people on earth aren’t all that great... *I took his hand in mine, smiling and blushing as I looked up at him* There are still beautiful places to see, and I would love for you to see them with me.

Hux: *smiles tugs at his lip* The offer is flattering but I must decline. I am a wanted target due to my status as First Order general. I could only go backstage at our secret base, that's all. Doesn't sound very romantic to you I'm sure...

If there was I way I could be disguised, then perhaps I'd agree. But then there are my duties here. Who am I supposed to leave those to? No one is as competent or works nearly as hard as me. Nothing will be done properly and I'll just have to fix it when I get back.

I don't get vacation time either. The First Order doesn't work that way, at least not for the really important officers such as me. *looks away with a sigh* My apologies.


MinxCoda I'd toss gingerbread on a ship and take him to earth anyway lol

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