Summer - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions/compliments for Summer:

1: It's really nice to be talking with you again! I'm hoping you've been alright, how has your training with Kylo been?

Summer: Oh it's so nice to talk to a person from Earth again!

Training has been quite interesting. I'm learning how to wield the Force and soon a lightsaber, which I'm equally exited and nervous about. Kylo has acted as both master yet a (gradually) caring boyfriend. I like how his attitude has been changing. I think I'm reviving Ben Solo again.

2: Have you figured out how to keep Kylo's temper under control?

Summer: *laughs* I don't think there is a way to keep Kylo from being, well, Kylo. He is coming along though. I've seen less outbursts towards me and more directed at Hux, which is always a good thing.

3: How have you been? I know you've been going through a lot, thought you needed someone to talk to.

Summer: I've been doing pretty well, thanks for caring! It is a bit lonely sometimes aboard the Finalizer since Kylo is the only person I can talk to, and who cares to have a conversation back with me. Although I can't really talk to him about everything, you know? I wish I had a girl around here so I could chat with her. Another person to bounce things off of would be great, especially since sometimes I need guidance on how to deal with Kylo...

But other than that, I've really been enjoying living here. Can't wait to see all the things that are yet to come!


Great questions as always MinxCoda!

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