Kylux - Reply

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Questions from Tranquil_Space_Ninja:

This is for General Hux and Kylo Ren.

1. You are both misunderstood by the general populous and each other. So, would you maybe consider trying to get along?

Kylo: Never.

Hux: Absolutely not.

2. If you say yes, great. If you say no(which you probably will), then why not? Everyone needs friends, and besides, you guys have a lot in common. You're both high ranking officials in the First Order. You both have huge fanclubs that have your backs. You both hate the Resistance. You both are wanted dead by several people (who won't lay a hand on you--I've got your backs). I sympathize with you both a lot. You both killed your fathers.

Kylo: Just because we have a lot in common, doesn't mean we will get along. You almost sound like you're trying to set us up for a date...

Hux: I hate him, he hates me. End of the story. Our visions may be similar but I'll never be happy until I'm standing on Kylo's grave.

Kylo: Likewise.

3. Which reminds me.... *shoves Kylo Ren* THAT'S FOR KILLING DAD!

Kylo: *staggers back but recovers and raises you in the air with the Force, choking you* You're going to wish you never did that.

4. Do you like waffles? 

Kylo: What's a waffle?

Hux: That sounds like some dumb made up word.

5. One more thing you both have in common-- You both probably hate me now :)"

Kylo: That is one thing we can agree on... *ignites lightsaber*

Hux: *smirks* This may be the only time we work together... *draws hidden daggers from his coat*


You better run now Tranquil_Space_Ninja

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