General Hux - Reply

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Questions from Hazandra:

So i have a few for Hux. 

1. Where do you get your cat food for Millicent? I mean you guys are in space, surely there’s no pet stores around.

Hux: I have the chef prepare meals for her. She only eats the freshest food for my lovely kitten. *pets her in his arms, making her purr*

2. Do you ever take Millicent to work with you? 

Hux: I leave her in my room but she tends to end up in my office by the afternoon.

3. Not really a question but just wanted to tell you I appreciate you (much more than Ren) 

Hux: To hear someone acknowledge just how much better I am than Kylo Ren puts you on my good list. If I ever invade Earth, you will be spared.


Sorry for the late reply, I took a little break over Christmas Hazandra

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