Poe Dameron - Reply

42 2 4

From MinxCoda:

Responses to Poe!

1: *I smiled, nodding. I noticed his smirk, taking it as he was proud BB-8 is just as feisty as him* You’re very welcome Poe.

Poe: Also um... *whips his hair* Are you hungry at all? Can I buy you lunch, maybe a drink before you go?

2: *I laughed softly, shaking my head* Poe you really are something, blowing something up won’t always get you where you want.

Poe: It's worked out for me. Of course, I'm careful. I don't kill people. But some abandoned shed or maybe a few wandering asteroids, that's for me!


I don't think Poe will ever change lol MinxCoda

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