General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions for Hux:

1: *I walked into Hux's office, seeing him sitting on the couch reading something on his datapad, I walk over and sit next to him. * This may seem odd but...I remember asking this question some tome ago, but it's been some time and we've gotten a bit closer. What do you think of me? *I smiled*

Hux: *blushes and bites his lip* are...quite fascinating...and pretty...and an enjoyment... *clears throat and tugs at his collar* Is it hot in here?

2: I've gotten to know you as much as possible, and you are extremely interesting. But, is there anything you want to know about me? *I said as I leaned against him gently, placing my hand on his and holding it gently but still giving him access to mess with his datapad. *

Hux: *sets his datapad down and gives you his full attention* Well, tell me a bit about yourself.

3: This isn't a question, more of a compliment, truthful comment in my opinion. *I looked up at Hux with  a smile* In all truth, I feel a spark between us. You're a very intelligent, handsome and charming man. Between you and me, I do have feelings with you, and I hope someday you will too. I admire you for more than just your title, much more than a leader, but you as a whole.

Hux: *stares speechless with eyes watering from flattery, instead he closes the space between both of you, kissing you gently*


MinxCoda awwww! <3 <3 <3

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