Resistance - Reply

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Questions from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

questions to Poe, Finn, and BB-8

1: which of the two ships would you prefer to command: a Lucrehulk Class Battleship or a Mon Calamari Cruiser of any type? I'm a Separatist of the Clone Wars so I prefer the Lucrehulk, but I don't hate the Mon Cal Cruisers at all.

Poe: Mon Calamari Cruiser. More maneuverable despite less firepower.

Finn: I don't know, the Lucrehulk looks freaking awesome to me!

BB-8: *chooses a Dreadnaught with an electronic giggle*

2: remember the T-85 X-Wing? well: I found one. she's in the Immortal's Hangar with her Belbullab-22 Sister Fighter: the Soulless One, and yes: the Soulless One is the same Belbullab-22 Fighter used by General Grievous. I've named my T-85 X-Wing: the Heroic One.

Poe: Sweet name. Can I take it for a fly sometime?

BB-8: *wants one all for himself*

3: did you guys check out the data cards on my desk in my office? if so: do you guys like what you see?

Poe: Sure did. I labelled our requests.

4: to Answer your question Finn: how about an R-61 T-Wing Mk: 2 or R-42 Star Chaser Mk: 2? they were made by the same company that made my Lucrehulks

Finn: Oh, cool! They really know their stuff!


Great questions JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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