Resistance - Reply

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Questions from Captain_AM-1185:

To the Resistance:

It is very exciting talking with you guys, and I have a lot of questions. But for now I'm just going to ask three. So here we go.

1) How would you take a situation where your mortal enemy ends up joining you because of their character of only supporting those who have what they need and betraying those who no longer have what they want?

Rey: Well, it would certainly be hard to trust him. *thinks of Kylo*

Poe: I'd be keeping my eye on whoever is deciding to join us. It would take quite some time to establish trust and to make sure the new guy wouldn't betray us when we stop offering what he wants.

Finn: I believe in second chances. The Resistance have me a second chance, so I'd be open to giving the mortal enemy one too.

BB-8: *shrugs because he's a droid and wouldn't be affected by it alliance or betrayal, has nothing to lose*

2) Do you guys need any armor that is bullet proof, lightsaber proof, fire proof, lava proof, never rusts, and can allow you to spend as long as you want outside of a ship? 'Cause I think I can help with that.

Rey: That would be seriously helpful.

Poe: Wow, that would awesome!

Finn: I'll of each please.

BB-8: *beeps and asks if the armor can be made in his size*

3)Have you guys ever heard of Captain Booby. The great-grandson of a Death-Trooper from the days of the Empire?

Rey: *chokes, blushes* Wait, Captain who?

Poe: *smirks* No, but I'd love to meet...him? Wait, the guy is named booby? I think I'll pass...

Finn: *eyes widen* Nope. I've definitely never heard of him.

BB-8: *laughs*


Great questions Captain_AM-1185!

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