Rey - Reply

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Questions from BayBay08:

I have some questions for Rey:

1: Did you ever think about Kylo Ren after the last time you saw him?

Rey: I do. I wonder what would have happened if things didn't end the way they did...

I wish he would have turned. My vision was so mixed up. I saw he would go up against Snoke but I never expected him to ask for me to join him.

I just...couldn't.

2: Do you ever think Kylo Ren will leave the Dark Side and come back to the Light Side as Ben Solo some day?

Rey: I have hopes he will, but I can't force him. No one will. He has to decide that for his own self.

3: What was your reaction like when you saw Kylo shirtless?

Rey: *blushing* was quite...interesting to say the least...

4: Lastly, what hairstyle do you prefer? Triple buns or hair down?

Rey: I've always used the bun style my whole life. It was a necessity for me on Jakku to stay cool but also so I could scavenge without having the thought of getting my hair stuck in the wreckage.

I actually like the way I look with my hair down now. I'm embracing a new life so I want to embrace a new style with it.


Great questions BayBay08! Send in more whenever you wish and that goes for anyone else as well!

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