Kylo Ren - Reply

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Questions from Snowleopardcheetah:

For Kylo Ren:
1) You made a comment to Hux once about the First Order using a clone army. Do you believe that would be an improvement, or was it just a jab at the quality of his soldiers?

Kylo: It was, at the time, condescending criticism with a bit of a mock and threat. As for improvement, I think it could work well. If we cloned Phasma, the First Order would be unstoppable.

Hux: I never approved of that Ren.

Kylo: Well I'm Supreme Leader now. So I technically don't need your approval anymore if I wanted to go ahead and do it.

Hux: *fuming*

2) Did you know that Leia survived the destruction of the Raddus's bridge?

Kylo: *whispers under his breath* Thank the stars. *looks away, fighting off tears* I-I don't want to be reminded of this, but thank you for the information.


Great questions Snowleopardcheetah!

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