General Hux - Reply

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Question from MinxCoda: This question is for General Hux:

Hux, do not take this question as me undermining your ability and skills, but I’m wondering... *Gently places my index finger on his forehead* Are you being careful about what you’ve been doing to Kylo and Summer? *I moved my finger down to where Kylo stabbed him with the lightsaber* I wouldn’t want you to get harmed again, you’re rather interesting.

Hux: *his gaze follows her finger in almost a lustful motion*

Do not underestimate my abilities. Ren needs to know his place and that despite him being a technical higher rank, that I am the true leader of those base. I was here before he joined...and will still be here after he dies, whether by destiny or my own doing.

I am too precious for the First Order to lose, otherwise Ren would have killed me long ago. I can pretty much do as I desire and get away with you.

*eyes linger in your direction*

Speaking of desires...let's talk about you...


I think Hux may have  a thing for you MinxCoda! Apologies for the super late post, I completely forgot you sent in a  question . Sorry! Hope you still send in more in the future, I promise they will be answered in a more timely manner. :D

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