Summer - Reply

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Questions from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Questions to Summer:

1: *a gigantic Lucrehulk Class Battleship bigger than even the Supremacy comes out of hyper space and destroys only the weapons on the Finalizer and has the Separatist roundel and colors* hello again Summer. Remember me? I'd like to introduce you to the Immortal former and still the Crown Jewel of the Separatist Navy, and now it is the Crown Jewel of the Resistance.

Summer: *holding onto the rails as the ship shook from the firepower* Um, that's great. Maybe ease up on the guns a bit? It's bad enough you're going to trigger a dogfight now.

2: here's my answer to you about the Immortal's technology: think that of Palpatine's Super Star Destroyer the Eclipse, and add a droid factory, cloning facility, a hull made out of Quantum Crystal, and amplified version of the TIE Fighter's engine technology.

Summer: *eyes widened* That's impressive. *Hux yelling in the background to scramble fighters* Looks like you're going to get a test run.

3: your Boyfriend destroyed our home planet's surface, you and I have lost everything. The Separatists during the Clone Wars were more than the original faction of yours, they were better than yours. *sends proof  of what I saw* you best leave the First Order while you can, and if you attack the Resistance again: I'll hunt you down myself though I have nothing against you personally.

Summer: *winces* Um, sorry about that. As much as I love Earth, this is my home now. Of course I feel bad for any lives lost. And I'm not personally doing any of these attacks. I'm still in training! I have no authority over the army yet!

4: sorry about your Ship's weapons, I just don't want to be shot at, even though the Immortal is Indestructible.

Summer: *watching the TIE Fighters pepper it with blasterfire despite having no effect on it* Yeah, I think we're all realizing it.

5: I hope that you understand that the Galactic Republic, and the Galactic Empire failed to take me down. I may be an old Separatist, but at least I have principles.

Summer: Sooner or later everything catches up to you. That's pretty wild how you've survived that long. That's two nasty wars that tore this gakaxy apart. I commend you for making it.

6: *my ship turns to jump into Hyper Space* other than this, I hope that you will see the truth. And don't bother trying to track my ship, because I have a Hyper Space Tracking Jammer that will make that you won't be able to track me. Farewell! *my ship jumps into Hyper Space*

Summer: Again, we're all realizing that. *watching the techs fail miserably to track the ship*


Great questions JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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