Phasma - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions for Phasma:

1: You've been busy, so in your absence I've been training. I've gained some impressive muscles. *I said with a smile, tossing her baton to her as I twirled mine* Let's train, eh? Gives both of us a good exercise.

Phasma: *extends her baton and twirls it with ease, drops her cape* My apologies for being so busy. Allow me to make up for my absence. *rushes at you with a war cry*

2: I must say, I do love the design for your armor. I have thought of designing some myself just by being inspired by yours, though whenever I have the time I'd draw some out. Hopefully that's not a problem?

Phasma: I made my armor from scratch. I'd be willing to help you, although I don't think you need it. A mask perhaps; I believe all warriors should wear one to hide their face.

3: Whenever, we should have a discussion based on your troops. I don't have issues with them, I believe they are trained well. However... *I looked over to some stormtroopers shooting at a target, missing it several times. I had a disappointing facial expression* They are bad shots, they need improvement on that and improvements can be made.

Phasma: Some of my troops are failing their class? *her hands grip the baton harder * I want their serial numbers now. I will not tolerate anything less than perfection. If they can't work at my standards, then perhaps they should be either reconditioned or
removed entirely. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Great questions MinxCoda!

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