General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses/Questions for Hux:

1: *I placed my hands on my face, making a adorable awe sound* That is too cute, you can always press the button. I should probably work on getting us some devices to talk through huh?

Hux: Here. A comlink is suffice. *hands you one* We can talk privately over those.

2: *I Blush, giggling* Thank you, I was actually going to make myself look like a simple queen or empress, but I think a princess will do, wouldn’t want to get too ahead of myself.

Hux: No, I think the next uniform should have the regal air. You deserve it.

3: *I rolled my eyes again playfully as I smiled and giggled, looking up at the handsome man in front of me* Of course, don’t you drool over me when your imagination goes wild? *I leaned up and kissed his lips gently*

Hux: *merely blushes and kisses you back*

4: Its adorable, honestly. Waking up to find a handsome ginger all snuggled up to you is a sight to behold. Even more cute when you try to move and he whines, and you can’t help but to giggle. *Obviously, I was talking about him. Seeing his face brighten up was adorable and the high light of my day* Also... *I pulled out my data pad, typing on it then showing him a picture of him, sleeping on his back in a white tank top, but Millie laying on his face, belly up* I don’t know how you even could have breathed with her on your face, but it was too cute to not take a picture!

Hux: That is just embarrassing. Oh please don't show anyone. Just delete it. I look terrible.

5: *I smirked, sitting up and kissing his lips gently, pulling away after a few minutes* I’d love to help, let’s get started. *I set his data pad down, winking back as I dimmed the lights down, then the rest of our night was filled with wonders*

Hux: *welcomes you in with a smirk, indeed creating a magical night of endless romance and desire*


Mhm stepping up the relationship eh MinxCoda? XD

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