Kylo Ren - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions for Kylo:

1: Have you been training Summer well? And have you been nice to her? *I raise an eyebrow at him*

Kylo: I have been training her to the best of my abilities and yes, I've been nice to her. *rolls eyes* She has been progressing very well. I foresee her becoming very powerful in the future.

2: Kylo, how has been being Supreme Leader going? Have you been trying go get along with General Hux?

Kylo: It's been very busy and complicated to balance the duties of leadership and give Summer the training and attention she deserves. But so far I think I've managed pretty well.

Get along with Hux? *snorts, laughs* The only reason I'd get along with him is to get close enough to his body to run my lightsaber through his chest.

3: Are you reading minds always? That would be an interesting thing to learn.

Kylo: No, it's something I have to focus to be able to do. Which isn't hard; it's my best skill in the Force. *smirks, moves hand close to your forehead* Very interesting...

*reads a thought, blinks, backs away* Oh. So you're one of the girls Hux has been bragging about to me. What the heck do you see in that redheaded psycho?


Don't feel bad MinxCoda Kylo is just jealous that some attention is being diverted away from him and to Hux lol

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