Summer - Reply

54 4 1

From MinxCoda:

Responses to Summer:

1: Of course! It can be lonely without a friend, I’d love to hang out and talk sometime! Do you have any favorite candies or treats? I’m able to retrieve them from earth, I’m sure you miss the foods from there.

Summer: You have no idea how much I miss their food. Pizza, cherries and how about cereal? There is no literally no cereal up here in space. Oh and ICE CREAM!

Don't fret about the cost, I have the credits.

2: Oh those were beautiful! I loved the dragons they rode, the bonds the avatars and dragons made really caught my interest. Such beautiful creatures!

Summer: *nods* Yes, the most beautiful creatures in my opinion. I wish I could own one.


I seriously wish I could own one though MinxCoda *sigh*

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