General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

For General Hux:

1: *I entered Hux's private chambers, smiling at his tall figure. I walked up to him, grabbing his hand gently* Nice to see a handsome face again.

Hux: *blushing lightly at your touch* I must say I am surprised to see you here. I didn't think you would actually follow through on my offer...but nevertheless I am grateful. *gently kisses your hand*

*I looked up at his hair, remembering the wound he sustained* The wound to your it alright? I've heard a lot about it. Hopefully it's healed well.

Hux: *awkwardly runs a hand through his locks* Whenever I touch it, I can still feel the blaster knocking me aside. But it's healed well as far as I know. No more pain and no scar.

2: I'm curious...Do you have any scars on your body? Don't be afraid to tell me, I find them attractive, but most importantly they show that you survived through the worst. *I ran my hand gently on his chest, abdomen and stomach with a smile as I looked at him* I wouldn't mind seeing them. *I winked*

Hux: *watches your hand and bites his lip, stiffening a bit and shifting uneasily* I do have some scars...although I am embarrassed to show you...I guess you can have a peak.

*unbuttons his shirt and removes it, laying it over his arm as he gave you his back, slowly as if you couldn't already see his figure* The scars are from whips my father beat me with. He always found me to be weak no matter what I did...I could never be good enough for him. *sighs, fighting off tears*

3: Speaking of which... *I got closer, pulling his face down gently to mine and placing a gentle, yet passionate kiss on his lips. I part my lips from his with a smile and a wink* Let's spend some more time together, sound good?

Hux: *kisses just as deeply, a smirk growing on his face* That sentence could be interpreted in many ways... *his eyes flickered between you and his bed*


MinxCoda Oooh O.O someone is going to be having lots of fun really soon...

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