General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Comments/Question For Hux! 

1: *I sat up slightly, comfortably in bed as I finished some work on my datapad before I headed to bed. I balanced the datapad on one leg while Millie laid on the other, Hux cuddling up to me and his head on my chest. I ran my fingers gently through Hux’s hair, then watched Hux slowly reach for my hand as I typed on my datapad. I smiled, stopping and letting him hold my hand* I thought you’d be asleep by now love, what’s keeping you up? 

Hux: Oh, the usual. Boring work. I was trying to think of a way to lighten up my load. Problem is I don't trust anyone to do the work like I do. It's complicated.

2: I think it’d be adorable to give Millie a little friend. A kitten, I think Millie would enjoy having a small partner in crime to bother Kylo with.

Hux: I don't think she would get along with anything else. You're lucky she adapted so quickly to you.

3: You know what I love about you and Millie? You both love getting kisses from me, both of you equally want attention from me at the same time, both of you are too cute, and you both always seem to know when I’m having a really bad day and come to cuddle when I’m sitting or laying down in bed to relax. And, you both are my favorite cute gingers!

Hux: *smiles and blushes* How sweet.

4: *Shows him a video on my datapad of him sitting on the couch in the bedroom, reading a book while Millie licks and paws at his face gently and cutely for attention. Me of course awing at the cuteness in the background of the video.*

Hux: You recorded me? *looked embarrassed* Please don't let anyone see that, especially Ren. I know I'm not doing anything stupid but he will turn it into that somehow.


Dm me that video ;) MinxCoda

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