Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

1: I don’t think you did it purposely. By how I’m fixing the cape, it goes past floor length. *I looked at Kylo as he struggled to reach his back, I set the cape down gently then gently took the ointment from him, applying some carefully and gently on his back* What were you doing? Training or something? *I said as I finished applying the ointment, handing him back then ointment then grabbing the cape and a pair of scissors*

Kylo: Just trying to find some new maneuvers and combat skills in case I encounter Rey again. And with Summer away I need a distraction... *covers his wounds in bandages while watching you* Shorten that cape a bit, maybe? Like have it meet at floor length. I trip on it too often.

2: *Raises an eyebrow at him, looking unamused* I’m bored too sometimes but doesn’t mean anything. You could always ask me to battle you, we could bet on who wins. Trust me, I think you’d be surprised. *I turn my head to watch them carry away the broken lunch table. I sighed heavily then typed on my datapad, sending an email to Hux to further notify him, cursing in Spanish under my breath.*

Kylo: You're a petty officer. I don't need to waste my time in a battle with you.

3: She’s been a good girl as of recently, haven’t had any troubles. If you ever want to distract her, just play with her for a bit. It’s actually funny watching her play with her toys. *I looked at Kylo, suddenly realizing what he said about the ashes of his enemies* You...cremate your enemies and keep them around?

Kylo: I don't think of fond of the idea of 'playing' with her. Those who truly disrespect me, yes.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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