Poe Dameron - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

For Poe:

Hey Poe, glad to see me again? *I gave him a big smile*

Poe: Yeah! *pauses* Have we met before?

How have you been?

Poe: Other than being cramped on a ship with too many people and porgs, fighting off that lovely "caged" feeling since we're in space most of the time, trying to stay positive despite the whole future seeming almost hopeless for us against the First Order, and most importantly, at least for me, dealing with the depression of not being able to fly my own x-wing fighter?

I'm great. How about you?

I'm making a gift for you and BB-8, hopefully you'll like it!

Poe: A gift for us? Did you hear that BB-8?

BB-8: *chirps joyously*

Poe: *smiles* He says he's excited too. We're looking forward to it!


Great questions MinxCoda!

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