Phasma - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Questions/Responses for Phasma:

1: Apologies, not needed. *I took a step to the side, dodging her as she rushed at me. I held up a defense stance, ready to strike or hold my ground* Come on Phasma, show me what you’re made of!

Phasma: I see you have been practicing. That's good. You will need all the knowledge you have to fight me! *clashes her spear with yours, the noise ringing off the walls*

2: I'd like to design armor for combat ready purposes,  of course I know how to fight and protect myself but against bigger and tougher enemies, it’s always good to have armor ready. Though Hux would probably agree with you that I wouldn’t need it, I always like to think ahead.

Phasma: I can agree if you plan to go on missions and actually face people instead of staying on this ship all the time. Armor would be much needed, yes.

3: With your permission, I'd like to help train your troops? I believe for a soldier to be perfect when handling weaponry they should be given basic knowledge on it, plus more. That’s how I learned. Now, I don’t mean classes, I mean hands on as they usually do, I’ll be more than welcomed to do so, I have some people that work under me that could help as well.

Phasma: *nods* The help would be appreciated. I want to make sure you use the same training strategies I've used all these years. It's been efficient, although the news of some of my troops missing repeated shots is still an issue I need to deal with.

*steps closer, glaring down at you through her helmet* If I leave you in charge of troopers, that means you are responsible for their results and behavior. Which concludes to if any are failures, you will be held accountable. Is that clear?


You have a hard task ahead of you MinxCoda

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