General Hux - Reply

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A special message for Hux from Aph_WarsawIt's Not an ask but i want Armitage to read it...

HUX! Do not EVER say this!
At your Base people are just JEALOUS of your success! I adore you because you are:
2.You are ambitious!
3.Brendol isn't as half as good as you!
4. You are the Perfect example of my Beauty Standard.
5. You are just the Most Honorable Person IN THE GALAXY!
* Pats Hux on his shoulder and winks *
And i think ( personally) that Kylo is NOT as hot as you! He is such a big baby with Daddy issues.

AND NOW! You Print this and showe it in the face of everyone! Esspecially Kylo!

Hux: *smirks* You better believe I will! This is the most flattering thing I've ever read and I can't wait to shove it in Ren's face.

And that one about Brendol, that's just an obvious. He's not in any comparison to me at all. But you even add how gorgeous I am...perhaps Ren should be careful I don't steal his girl.

But overall, as for that paragraph... *nods his head, mutters* Thank you...


That was definitely a confidence booster Hux needed Aph_Warsaw!

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