General Hux - Reply

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Questions from Snowleopardcheetah:

Questions for Hux:
1) It's no secret that you don't like Ren and he doesn't like you. Is there a specific reason for that beyond simply a rivalry and a desire for power?

Hux: He really is an annoying nuisance. Snoke brought his precious pet in to rule beside me, as if Ren could ever be a fraction as good as me.

I have been trained in militant matters since a boy for this, but Ren just pops in and thinks he can run this place because Snoke is gone?

I. Think. Not.

Do you think there were any circumstances in which you could have at least gotten along?

Hux: Absolutely not. He's too opinionated and everything has to be his way.

2) When you started to pull a blaster on Ren in the throne room after Snoke's death, was there a motive for that beyond the aforementioned rivalry?

Hux: I'm not stupid. I know he killed Snoke. Rey escaped and left him for dead, despite how he claims it's her fault.

The reason I pulled a blaster was because I finally found Kylo completely defenseless. With his stupid powers, he can even sense me coming in his sleep, yet an assassination attempt is a waste of time. But with him unconscious I had a chance.

Of course he wakes up right when I touch the blaster. It's like even unconscious he stills senses me. If he was dead, the First Order would finally be mine for claiming, like it always should have been.

One day things will change. One day I will rule the galaxy like I was born to do...


Great questions Snowleopardcheetah! I must say I'm curious for what episode 9 brings due to the relationship between Kylo and Hux, such as the fact if Hux will try to overthrow Kylo. Very interesting things could happen.

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