Resistance - Reply

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Questions from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

to the Resistance

1: I did a remote re-scan of the New Republic Ships that attacked me and they were indeed New Republic personnel.

Poe: Hmm...that's a shame. I'll let Leia know. They probably mistook you for an enemy.

2: how was the Pizza I brought back?

Rey: Probably the best thing I have ever eaten!

Finn: Are you bringing more back soon? I could literally eat that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Poe: I've looked up this pizza and I see there can be so many different toppings. Can we try some pizza with vegetables and meat next time?

3: if you are curious why I brought everything that was left behind on Earth: I'm bringing them to Eden Prime to bolster our Planetary Defense.

Poe: Every little bit counts. No such thing as too much.

4: to answer your question about me fighting the Empire: they called me and my planet an Enemy and showed up with 1000 of each of their known ships, but were taken down swiftly. I am tired of being called an Enemy because of the side that I chose which was the Confederacy of Independent Systems. I was called that enough by the Republic of the time of the Clone Wars.

Rey: Know that here, you will be openly accepted for who you are. I know I was, as was Finn. You're safe here.

5: I have finished the development of the ships I was talking about and we'll be getting some new ships from the various ship building companies. there's an order list on my desk in my office, should you want to see them. (check out my United Alliance fan ship book too see them)

Finn: I'm still learning how to fly. Poe and Rey are great teachers but I'm coming along. Could I request an A-wing for when I get better?

6: Poe: I fixed the Vented Accelerator Pod on the Black One, but go easy next time please as these parts don't grow in trees. Ok?

Poe: Yes! Thank you so much!

Rey: Poe take an easy? Better find more of those parts. *laughs*


Better pick up more pizza JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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