General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Hux: *smirks*

1. I know you say love is forbidden in the First Order, I understand why, especially with the recent events of Kylo and Summer. there a more personal reason you say it?

Hux: Love is a weakness in my eyes. It's a distraction from work and will only bring forth your destruction. That's something my father always instilled into me and to this day I believe in it.

2. Hux, would you like to hear about a recommendation I have for you for a romantic partner? *I stepped closer, nudged him gently and giving him a wink*

Hux: *lightly blushes, doesn't move but his eyes are locked on yours, speaks softly and calmly* Do tell me, I am quite curious...

3: Do you have someone who cares for your beautiful kitty Millicent? I would love to help care for her, I love cats!

Hux: I care for her myself because she hates anyone but me. As in will literally claw them to shreds. I don't recommend you helping.

4: I've heard you're six foot one, is that true?

Hux: *checks his medical report* Yes and maybe a quarter inch over.

5: What helps you relax after a long day of hard work?

Hux: A glass of wine. Maybe two. Or three. Depends how stressful the day was. Whatever knocks me out.

8: This isn't a question, but more of a compliment. I know this is cheesy, but I think you're gorgeously handsome. I don't know how much you hear this,  but I want you to know that you're amazing and I appreciate your hard work.

Hux: *bites his lip* Never. No one ever gives me a compliment. *sighs* Actually, come to think of one in the whole First Order even likes me. They all talk about me behind my back and are just waiting for Ren to kill me so they can take my position. *looks down* I guess I see how much I matter...


As always great questions MinxCoda!

And as for Hux's height...

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