Summer - Reply

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Questions from Aph_Warsaw:

To Summer:
Hi Summer! It's nice to meet you. I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. ^^

Summer: Not at all! Fire away!

1. What's your " spirit animal "? If you don't know I suggest to do the test. Mine is an Eagle.

Summer: I have no idea. So I did the test like you said, and I'm a wolf! That's pretty accurate I think ;)

2. Who's your favourite person in the FO. BESIDES Kylo.

Summer: I really have to choose Hux...

3. What do you like in Kylo the most. I'm asking because I can't find a reason to like him. But I think I want to change that.

Summer: I think the reason I like him is because he's not really a villain. He's a man lost in the darkness and he needs someone to break his chains. And I hope one day he will allow someone to get close enough to him to do that. Either me or even Rey, whatever will free him. He deserves to live a happy life.

4. What is the perfect apology gift for Kylo?....I'm curious....

Summer: I don't know, I've never given him a gift nor have I had the thought of doing so. I usually just plead for forgiveness until he grants know what, I need to go shopping.

Thank you for your time. It was nice to meet you. You seem like a great person.

You're pretty! * Runs away *

Summer: *blinks and blushes* Thanks...and it was nice to meet you too?


Great questions Aph_Warsaw! Send more in whenever you wish :)

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