Poe Dameron - Reply

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Question from FennaB11:

This question is for Poe (obviously ) so hi ehm my name is Fenna and I have a huge crush on you... What should I do?

Poe: Well for now you can continue to let me visit you in your dreams... *winks*

But seriously. It's really crowded on the Falcon and I'd love to just get away from it all. Rey seems semi interested in me but it's hard when I have to compete with Finn, who she seems to have a connection with. Then there's the days when she seems to go insane and talks to the wall... weird part is, it's like the wall talks back. Creepy right?

So I would be interested but there's a few things holding me back. Sadly.

I'd ask for your number but I'm guessing you're from Earth so it wouldn't work. For some reason my long distance network doesn't extend to your system.

I'd take you on a date but I currently am short of an x-wing and have no way to get to you. Chewie won't let me touch the Falcon.

I'm a bit short on funds...I won't dare ask to borrow from Leia. She would probably slap me again. *shudders*

So maybe in the future when and if things start going right for the Resistance, I'd be happy to meet up with you. *smiles*

FennaB11 Congrats! Sounds like you have a future date with Poe Dameron ;) also I love your profile pic. Nice cosplay. I have a scavenger Rey I made as well.

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