Summer - Reply

340 11 4


For Summer:
I thought you said you have been training, but your skills were less than impressive when you went back to Ren. Did you really train that much?

Summer: Well, I have yes but holding a plastic toy is nothing like holding a real lightsaber. Even from dueling with batons, Kylo is far stronger and more experienced. I truly was afraid of hurting him, another reason I held back.

And he was shirtless which you and I both know makes it completely unfair when I all I want to do is stare at him.

Question: Are you at all concerned that you have reached some of your potential when you fed into the dark side of the Force?

Summer: Yes and no. Yes because I don't fall into this bottomless abyss of darkness  and no because I see the power I have. Kylo just needs to teach me how to wield it properly. Then everything will be all right...hopefully...

Honestly I'm freaked out like help.

Question: Are you planning on becoming a Sith now, for real this time?

Summer: The Sith are supposedly extinct but as for becoming a  Dark Knight like Kylo formerly was yes, definitely. I even have thought up my lightsaber design when it comes time.


Great questions macaronitsunami! Feel free to send more in as well as anyone else who wants to participate!

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