General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions/Comments for Hux! 

1: If your father was still alive, treating and abusing you as he did to you when you were a child... *I clean a custom dagger given to me by an alley, I set the cloth down then twirl it and stab it into a small wooden butchers block* He’d have a severe bloody noise and broken bones. 

Hux: *blinks* That...was the most freaking hot thing I have ever seen you do.

2: *I walk out the bathroom, wearing a sleeveless tank top and black shorts. I carried Millie in a towel, setting her on the bed with Hux. My arms, hands and parts of my face had scratch marks* Note to self, even with instructions on how to wash Millie, she still doesn’t like baths. 

Hux: No, she never really has. I have my droid servant take care of her so I don't end up like you. Um, need a medkit?

3: *I sat at the end of Hux’s bed, cross legged and watching Millie lay on the floor. Hux was pouring himself a glass of wine in his small kitchen area.* My love, come here for a moment. *I smiled, taking out a laser pointer pen then pointed it at the floor. Millie quickly noticed, I moved the red dot around and she began to chase it. I laughed, snorting at the same time* 

Hux: *laughs* Millie, you should know better than to chase a light around.

4: You know what I find cute about Millie but sometimes a tiny tiny bit annoying? Whenever we’re sleeping, cuddling together she likes to jump on both of us and walk around on top of us until she’s comfortable. Or she’ll meow at us at late hours until we give her food or attention. But.. *I hug Millie close and gently, loving the purring sound she makes* She’s my favorite ginger on this ship, besides you of course.

Hux: *smile tugs at his lips* She's very sweet. And she's not trying to be annoying, she just wants equal attention that you give me.


It's so funny to have cats chase lights XD MinxCoda

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