Rey - Reply

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Questions from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Questions for Rey

1: do you think that Finn is Force Sensitive?

Rey: I wasn't taught how before Luke passed how to check someone for that...I guess anything is possible? Finn seems to be pretty normal to me.

2: what is the Falcon's Coordinates? once I get them: I'm on my way with my gifts: the largest fleet of ships anyone will ever see. period. I said I am going to join the Resistance, and I meant it.

Rey: We're just coasting around the Vayrillian Asteroid Belt. Once we rendezvous, I'll guide you down to the surface planet of Xuscilia. It's not our permanent base, but it will be a good, safe place to store your fleet.

3: if you were going to command one of the ships I'm giving you. which one would it be? I have a lot of them.

Rey: I'm pretty satisfied on the Falcon actually. I like this piece of junk.

4: can you teach me about the Force?

Rey: Maybe. I barely understand it myself. Are you sensitive to the Force?

5: can you please tell General Leia Organna that I went to Jakku and salvaged and repaired everything used by the Rebels and the Jakku Imperial Remnant? I would do it myself but alas: Kalani, my Super Tactical Droid thought it best for one of the Resistance members to tell her as I am not a member yet until I Rendezvous with all of you guys.

Rey: You want back to Jakku. *laughs* I should tell Finn. He'd get a kick out of that. Still an endless pile of scrap as I remember it to be?

And yes, I'll notify Leia immediately.

P.S: I stole the Supremacy's Sister Ship, and I Really pissed off the First Order but fear not: for I have disabled the Locator Beacon and Kill Switch.

Rey: *smiles* Yes, I think you will be most valuable to us. Finally we have the upper hand against the First Order thanks to your gracious donations and service. Thank you.


Welcome to the Resistance JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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